Kris Taylor
Art Gallery
Kris Taylor’s Oil Paintings (Prints are available in various sizes such as 4×6 and 12×18)
Many of Kris’ paintings are on display at Harmony House in Hunter River and are able to be seen at any performance or by appointment – call 902-964-2255.
Scene Gallery
Kris Taylor is a Prince Edward Island artist who lives in New Glasgow, PEI. This is where he crafts his oil paintings. He is mostly self taught even though his mother and grandmother were both once painters and handed him down all of their old oils and brushes. Kris enjoys traditional island scenes especially those involving everyday work, farm and marine themes, as well as children and family interaction.
Kris is also a pharmacist and co-owner and builder of Harmony House. He built the venue which was once an 1846 church, with his salvaging and traditional building techniques. Post and beam with stonework and brick masonry have been his preferred styles of architecture for the theatre, lounge and also his home. The downstairs lounge of Harmony House also serves as a gallery for Kris’ work.
If you would like to contact Kris about a general question, pricing or a commission, e-mail or contact the Harmony House Gallery at 902-964-2255.
Kris also does commission work. If you or your family are interested in commissioning Kris to paint something for you please take a look at Kris’ YouTube video below where he will show you how this process works, and you get to see a piece from start to finish.
Many of Kris’ paintings are on display at Harmony House in Hunter River and are able to be seen at any performance or by appointment – call 964-2255 .
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